miércoles, marzo 01, 2006

El señor Bukowski

Me recuerda a mi hermano.

4 comentarios:

Rex Mamey dijo...

A true fuckin' compliment, my beloved little fuckin' brother... I'm already "happy" (with a different kind of happiness)with the fact that I'm in your fuckin' mind... like you're always on mine. And remember... "I was born to look at the walls / I was born to rise up in this hell we call life... and beer is what I need the most". RR.


El Canto del Último dijo...

i love you man!

::::W:::: dijo...

que belleza bukowski, gracias por esa foto!

Unknown dijo...

adorado Buk
con sus putas y sus liytros de alcohol
su emoción desmembrada y su boca libre
lengua adicta la suya y la mía..

Gracias Pablo..!!